Six friends adopt the dubious profession of “grifting” and “scamming.” Vicky is a stripper that identifies her victims at work and devises elaborate plans with her brother Jackson to relieve them of their money and other personal possessions. High school senio...
Honor Among Thieves
In a remote jungle outpost in the Far Eastern theater of World War II, a hotheaded American soldier murders an allied British sergeant in cold blood. Stalwart American Lt. Colonel Barney Adams (Mitchum) is dispatched to defend him in the ensuing court martial....
Man in the Middle
A young African American, Jake Jackson, is a happy, honest, law-abiding citizen who through many unfortunate events, experiences a full array of prejudices until he captures single-handedly the serial killer, David Fletcher, and his luck changes.
The Minority
Romantic misunderstandings abound with tempestuous couple Jay and Tracy, as Jay plans on proposing marriage, only to discover that Tracy has been cheating. Soon Tracy learns, however, that Jay has secrets of his own.
Truth Unspoken