Rasheed, a struggling stand-up comedian, tries to make it to his first paid gig in Hollywood while avoiding disastrous mishaps and moonlighting as a ride share driver.
All I've Got & Then Some
Two blue collar workers form an unlikely partnership of selling illegal prescription pills to make ends meet while trying to avoid disastrous mishaps.
Induced Effect
When NFL superstar quarterback Sunny Moon loses everything he decides to recruit a team of strangers to go on a road trip to commit suicide.
Suicide Roadtrip
The year is 1942, and Archie Glass Is trying to get into Hollywood. His chance comes as he is offered a job: Find a young white movie star before the press reports that she is missing and he will have a shot at his Hollywood dream. Thus begins a journey into a...
Brown Paper Bag
Ali Silver searches for Mr. Right but finds misadventures that are darkly outrageous and sexy with an assortment of ne'er-do-wells who are inappropriate, unobtainable or unmanageable. Looking for Mr. Goodbar meets Sex and the City.
Loves Me, Loves Me Not
A vegan social media influencer goes on a quest to document the search for her biological parents. Her search leads her to a defunct, secluded farm where she encounters The Farmer, and her worst nightmares become reality.