JR is a fatherless boy growing up in the glow of a bar where the bartender, his Uncle Charlie, is the sharpest and most colorful of an assortment of quirky and demonstrative father figures. As the boy’s determined mother struggles to provide her son with oppor...
The Tender Bar
The joyous, emotional, heartbreaking celebration of the life and music of Whitney Houston, the greatest female R&B pop vocalist of all time. Tracking her journey from obscurity to musical superstardom.
Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody
A court-appointed legal guardian defrauds her older clients and traps them under her care. But her latest mark comes with some unexpected baggage.
I Care a Lot
A team of Navy Seals investigates a mysterious science outpost only to have to combat a squad of powerful alien soldiers.
Alien Warfare
After a heist goes wrong, a professional team of thieves hide out at an isolated motel and try to figure out what went wrong, and their next move. Tensions rise throughout the night but they must learn to come together in order to withstand those who seek to d...
Odd Men Out
This feature film tells the true story of Charles S. Gilpin; the first black star on Broadway and his leading role in Eugene O'Neill's controversial play, The Emperor Jones.
The Black Emperor of Broadway
Two siblings who discover their seemingly normal mom is a former thief in witness protection. Mom is forced to pull one last job, and the kids team up to rescue her over the course of an action-packed night.
The Sleepover