An anthology featuring short horror films directed by Toru Kamei and Minami Nagasaki. It includes "Possession", the story of Yuki who starts experiencing terrifying encounters with a female ghost after witnessing a suicide scene on her way to work, and "Bound...
Four horny lunatics have a van and the will to rape, assault and humiliate women. They drive around and pick women to satisfy their wanton lust. Two women are captured and the sex begins, but that is not where it stops. At different locations the four exert th...
Blood Sisters
A failing musician, Hajime decides to settle for a local DJ. He marries Miki, one of his fans, but it turns out that once in a while, she "sheds" her skin after they make love - freaking Hajime out.
My Wife's Shell
Abe Sada in the Heisei Era: I Want You
Reiko is a sex robot programmed to accumulate sexual experience. She goes through seven body types to experiences a variety of couplings. She returns to the company to download her accumulated info and escape from their control.
Mofukuzuma: Shitchi no Kaori
The eighth installment of the blockbuster series starring the popular adult idol Sakura Shiratori. Arisa Saeki, a genius programmer who works for a temporary staffing company, discovers a mysterious contract called “Molester Net” at her company one day. Togeth...
The Molester Net ACCESS 8