Zakhariapothen Jeevichirippundu revolves around the life of Zacharias Pothen and his family from a small village named Peerumedu. Zacharia Pothen is a 40-year-old retired Major. Because of his passion for his profession, he got married only after his retiremen...
Zacharia Pothen Jeevichirippundu
Edward Livingston, an English professor at the Travancore Maharaja College. As the defiant students continue to split into warring factions, Livingston sets out to restore order and make the campus a better place for everyone.
Based on the journey of the legendary Telugu actor, filmmaker and ex-Chief Minister Late Taraka Rama Rao Nandamuri.
N.T.R: Kathanayakudu
Three brothers return to their native village to mend the relationship between their estranged father and his sisters. However, to unite the family, the brothers are told to marry their cousins.
A follow up to NTR: Kathanayakudu which was based on N.T. Rama Rao's life and acting career. This movie focuses on his political career.
N.T.R: Mahanayakudu
Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker, a 19th century fiery social reformer and his unswerving fight against the dominant caste oppressions by the upper classes.
Pathonpatham Noottandu