This comedy-drama by first-time director and scripter Jean-Luc Trotignant details the exploits of a crass, low-life family. Achille Pinglard (Jean-Luc Bideau) is a factory foreman and his wife Ginette (Michele Brousse) works in a porno theater. Together, they...
Le bonheur a encore frappé
Xavie, an idealistic filmmaker, takes a motley film crew and two experienced actors in a country house, to shoot a film without a script, following chance, as A. Einstein understood it: "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous".
The Namessime
The love affairs of Bob, a womanizer and seducer and Mammouth, the unhappy loner.
Vive les femmes !
Bisexual attorney Alain is bedding his female boss, his murderer client, the client's hairdresser girlfriend, and a precocious boy who knows what he wants and tries to convince Alain that he can 'have it all'.
Confusion of Genders
Soriba Samb is a Senegalese who has just received a much sought after internship to study filmmaking in Paris. Soriba heads to Paris, accompanied by the five-year old son of a friend who he believes to be still living in Paris. On arrival he struggles to find...
Toubab Bi
A divorced teacher suddenly becomes jealous of everyone, including her daughter, friends and neighbors.
A young woman arrives in Paris where she finds a job as a waitress in bar next on Avenue Montaigne that caters to the surrounding theaters and the wealthy inhabitants of the area. She will meet a pianist, a famous actress and a great art collector, and become...
Avenue Montaigne
During the German occupation of France, a young woman - Marie - finds a Jewish boy in her room. His parents and other Jewish neighbors have been just been deported, but Maurice (the boy) escaped. Marie decides to hide him, secretly.
Marie's Children
The dream, which filled half of her life, was no longer enough for Maryvonne. She leaves her husband, child, lover and leaves for Paimpol. And there, it's a breath of fresh air in the form of real life, reality finally joins the dream.
Le voyage à Paimpol
La Pomme
Les Bidochon - Telle est la réalité
Two sisters have to deal with the traditional issues of growing up and the unusual problem of caring for an unstable father in the drama Qui Plume La Lune?
Who Plucked the Feathers Off the Moon?
Don Quichotte (Luchini) is a modern filmmaker with views on the perfect film. Sancho Pança (Risch) is systematically condradicting Quichotte, whose film materializes in front of them as he lists his ideas
Lettre de la Sierra Morena