Truck drivers hauling supplies are caught in the battle between the French and Arabs in this routine adventure drama. Jonathon is held prisoner by revolting Arabs and falls for the pretty blonde widow Lucia. The two are part of a group that is held captive and...
The Hotheads
Rod Cooper, an American agent of the CIA, is sent to Paris to discover if colonel Segura, head of a clandestine organization which proclaims itself anti-Castroist, is playing a double game at the expense of the United States. He first tries to make contact wit...
The Beckett Affair
Cifrato speciale
El hombre que vino del odio
Rome, under Commodus: intrigue, fight for power, gladiators, senators, Christians, Barbarians, slaves, Pretorians, battles, wrestles, swords and muscles in by-the-numbers Italian epic.
Sword of the Empire