A sketch and variety show hosted by the Smosh Family that aired live on December 15, 2022 on Kiswe. Similar to its predecessor, Under The Influence, it featured holiday-themed sketches and shows from across the Smosh channels with the added twist of everyone g...
Smosh: Under the Mistletoe
Smosh: Under The Influence was live sketch and variety show that was hosted by the Smosh Family and aired on June 30, 2022 via Kiswe, a livestreaming and live experiences platform. It is Smosh's first livestream show since Smosh Live in 2016. The livestream fe...
Smosh: Under the Influence
Smosh reawakens their breakout series [Blank] is Dead: The Funeral Roast for a night to DIE for! Anthony Padilla will Roast in Peace, and all of your favorite Smosh friends will be at his "Funeral" to make it so. With a musical halftime show, YouTuber guests,...
Anthony is Dead: The Funeral Roast
The very first Smosh live stream with sketches and challenges performed live by Ian, Anthony, Olivia, Noah, Courtney, Keith, and Shayne.
Smosh Live!
A live streamed parody of your classic multicam sitcom but the cast is surprised by last minute lines, prop mishaps and improvised bits chosen by YOU.
Smosh: The Sitcom LIVE