This bizarre retro comedy, shot entirely on VHS and Beta, takes us back to when 12-year-old Ralph, over one formative week, mistakenly records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents’ wedding tape.
Wade has issues. He drinks too much, he bites women and he has an insatiable taste for blood. He is a loner, bound by a successful routine that has kept his vices thriving. But after a night of promiscuous feeding lands him in trouble with the locals, Wade fle...
Two Pints Lighter
Seeking a refuge that may or may not exist, Max and her small family struggle to survive a desperate journey through the vast swath of apocalyptic infection that has destroyed their world.
Flesh and Blood
The love story of a young man and the singing, suicidal femme fatale who leads him on a topsy-turvy search for his long lost-evil brother. As he gets closer to finding the truth he must decide who to trust and what to believe.
I'd Kill for You
An exclusive behind the scenes documentary with Co-Producers Michel Koch, Raoul Barbet and Luc Baghadoust as they discuss the inspirations and challenges they faced when creating the critically and award winning Life is Strange.
Life Is Strange: Directors' Commentary