The story follows a simple family whose young son, Zeko, wins the opportunity to participate in a contest for Egypt's smartest child. As they set out to attend the contest, many paradoxes happen to them during the two-day trip
For Zeko
Stuntman Badr the Diesel lives in a poor neighborhood. He meets Donia El- Sayad, a famous movie star, whose assistant, Afaf, is Badr’s Fiancée. When Afaf gets killed, he decides to seek revenge and find those who are responsible for her death
The Diesel
Haddad the Egyptian captain returns home after a journey of exile for more than fifty years to search for the remnants of adolescence and face many dramatic lines and people who are different in character in an exciting intertwining of human relations between...
Ritsa: Three Colors of Love
A reckless young Saudi man, Aida, is an only child to an Egyptian mother and a Saudi father, who dreams of becoming one of the biggest car drivers in the world, which gets him into a series of trouble.
Mohema Mesh Mohema