The events revolve around Zarifa, a village girl who is alienated by everyone and goes to work as a maid in Hafnawi’s house, but when her brother dies and she inherits his wealth from him, she is surprised by everyone’s closeness to her.
Taming the ferocious
A corrupt minister sends his men to kill his mistress's husband to look like a suicide, but the forensic doctor sees otherwise and is kidnapped in order to change the report. A gym teacher witnesses the kidnapping and tries to save her in spite of the dangero...
The Day Demon
Instead of celebrating her doctorate in pharmacy, Nada was surprised that she was accused of killing her professor before he revealed her to a dangerous secret, and indeed the police chase her to arrest her after escaping from the prison vehicle that overturne...
The story of a play in which I am in 1992 revolves around the author of unsuccessful novels and stories called Saad, and the wife of a controlling Suheir acting as a teacher. Events follow and the house is turned into a classroom in which literacy classes are...
Which One Am I?