It follows 15-year old Quinn Perkins, who will be spending the summer working as an intern with her best friend Daniela. Mysterious events start to occur, and they assume that they are being haunted by local legend Everly Fallow.
The Curious Case of Dolphin Bay
A psychopathic twelve-year-old girl in a small town in Nebraska recruits all the other children and goes on a bloody rampage, killing the corrupt adults and anyone else who opposes her. A bright high schooler who won't go along with the plan is the town's only...
Children of the Corn
A sister struggles to keep her brothers together when the eldest, a recovering drug addict, returns from rehab.
Thicker Than Water
Hannah's search for her son's body leads her to sleepy Billins, where her investigations uncover more than she expected and threaten to expose towns dark secrets....secrets that both the living and the dead will fight to protect.
Sweet River