In the working-class neighborhoods of Nice, a pillar of the local Georgian community is murdered. His son Tristan, who aspires to become an orthodox priest, finds himself finds himself alone with his grieving mother. Gabriel, his older brother with a troubled...
In the Name of Blood
Paul is a country boy who grows up with a fascination for violence and justice. When he moves to the city and sees his friends and brother fall victim to gang attacks, a vigilante is born.
The Phoenix
Nice, France. At dawn, Thomas, an incredulous young man, comes home late and drunk. His mother entrusts him with an important task. But when the time comes, he forgets to wake up.
I See
Nice, South of France, 1978. On Christmas Eve, Annie receives a phone call from her daughter that left her years earlier to join a cult. With the help of the police, Annie has only a few minutes to find out where she is and save her from a mass suicide...
Out of the Fog
Ten years have gone by since Elena's six-year old son has disappeared. The last thing she heard of him was a phone call he gave her, saying that he was lost on a beach in France and couldn't find his father. Nowadays, Elena lives on this same beach and manag...
After an incident, a brilliant professor known for his outbursts is forced to mentor the student he wronged for a speech contest.
Le Brio