Ahetuk is a Assamese language romantic thriller film directed by Bani Das, veteran Assamese film director and a screenwriter who delivered the Assamese audiences some blockbusters like Maharathi, Mon, Kadambari. His movies are popularly known for an individual...
Vikram Baruah, an honest police officer takes on a cold blooded son of a rich man, Rahul Bejboruah.
Doordarshan Eti Jantra is a 2016 Assamese language period drama film film directed by Rajesh Bhuyan and produced by Sanjiv Narain under the banner of AM Television. The story is based on National School of Drama's alumnus Himanshu Prasad Das's play Ekhon Gaono...
Doordarshan Eti Jantra
Soni, son of a thief named Suren, realizes that he will always be looked down upon as his father's son. The youth takes to magic in a bid to achieve success and earn respect.
Suren Suror Putek
Directed by Zubeen Garg. With Zubeen Garg, Zerifa Wahid, Jatin Bora, Prastuti Parasar.Reviews, Showtimes, DVDs, Photos, Message Boards, User Ratings, Synopsis, Trailers, Credits
Tumi Mur Mathu Mur
Directed by Mohibul Haque. With Jatin Bora, Rehal Khan, Barsha Rani Bishaya, Nippon Goswami.
Juman Suman