A modern-day fairy tale, The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro is a story of how a group of high school Latin American History class students learn to regret their decision to not fully appreciate the Liberator of Brazil.
The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro
The backstory of the Killer Poop of how he became who he is and where he came from as he kills anyone he runs into.
Killer Poop 2: Amityville Poo
A modern-age vampire employs technologically advanced glasses that enable him to not only hunt his victims in and out of the virtual world...but also LIVE STREAM his bloody feasts for all to see! As this high-tech ghoul continues to glut on his screaming victi...
Death Streamer
An evil Air Fryer claims victims in this Troma-inspired blood bath.
Air Fryer Slaughter
A seductive vampire and an ex-soldier must protect the only human-vampire hybrid from dangerous mercenaries who seek the secrets of her immortality.
Maggie Shayne's Embrace the Twilight