Lucy and Lucien are two childhood friends who share a deeply troubled past and struggle to maintain their sanity and sobriety as they cut their teeth in the New York City arts & theater scene. As their breakout moment arrives, both are forced to grapple with a...
Loud & Longing
A coming-of-age crime drama about a good Asian girl gone very, very bad. Fiercely driven Alice Kim battles class, race, and family pressure to become a drug dealer in New York City’s wild underground rave scene.
All I Wants Is Everything
A woman and her transgender ward try to survive a dying world that adheres to strict ‘male and female only’ guidelines.
The Butterfly
A middle-aged transgender woman navigates the complexities of a fading memory, delving into the twists and turns of love and embracing the constant evolution of her gender identity.
Lovin' Her
Disillusioned by corrupt authorities, Thao and their friends decide to seek street justice against a thieving gang, aiming to foster renewed solidarity and protect their community.
Don't F*ck With Ba
A late-blooming Trans woman reluctantly confronts an assigned-male-at-birth Trans specific and life-altering dilemma. With the help of her besties, she attempts to process this debacle in order to determine which path to take on her journey to decolonize her w...