Divine Providence is a forthcoming narrative short film centered around and inspired by the city of Providence, Rhode Island. Set in the late 1970s, the film tells the story of a tumultuous confession that brings the lives of a lonely parish priest and a guilt...
Divine Providence
When Kristin’s life is turned upside down by a series of events, one of her friends recommends her seeing a “Life Coach,” Kristin finally meets the perfect match Ashley. The relationship between the two gets stronger and stronger and Ashley is always there for...
How to Live Your Best Death
Nick tries to remember how to tie a tie. Complications ensue
How to Tie a Tie
Julian loses his job and starts looking for meaning in life. He begins attending church, where energetic Pastor Pete makes him wonder if there really is more to life; however, not everything is what it seems in this horror, satire musical.
After years of causing pain to others, Barbara's only hope is to confess her sins to a mysterious priest and his undead assembly.
The Gifted