The events take place inside an orphanage, around a young girl named Sukar, who lives with a large group of children. The orphanage is run by an obnoxious woman and her henchman, who have bad intentions
The events take place in a romantic comedy framework when the famous DJ Fares is exposed to a number of funny situations and comic paradoxes because he is unable to confess his love to the girl of his dreams, for fear of losing her because of a ploy that leads...
The film takes place in a social and comic framework, through a mother's relationship with her children, in light of the presence of other responsibilities surrounding her, such as her work in a senior position and more challenges that she faces.
Maali Mama
Helmy has just graduated from college and is starting his career. He is shy and trusts everyone, which causes him to have social issues in contrast to his dream of a normal life and an honest society that does not lie. However, he encounters the truth and face...
The Hidden One
Sequel to the 2023 musical: Sukkar
Sukkar 2