After securing a role in a mysterious children's program called Dungo's Palace, we follow a struggling has-been actress named Cam, whose life is catapulted into madness by the program's horrendous, nightmarish main character: Dungo.
Dungo's Palace
Young singer-songwriter Astor Grey struggles to break free of a toxic relationship with a infamous bad-boy rock star who threatens to destroy her after promising her the world.
Off the Record
As they prepare for the end of the world, four different people's lives begin to intersect and find out we might not be as alone as we previously thought.
Wave Goodbye
Alyssa wakes up in a home that's not hers and discovers a dead body. With no memory of how she got there, and no idea of who he is, Alyssa tries to piece together what exactly happened the night before.
One Night Stand Murder