A group of young filmmakers, led by neophyte producer Alex Romero, venture out on a location scout in rural Pennsylvania. Deep into the back country, it quickly becomes apparent they have stumbled onto a family of werewolves and must now survive the night.
Wolf Hollow
A new breed of Brain Hunter has emerged to hunt humans for their brains in New York City. FBI agent Maxine Richards teams up with a retired detective from Wisconsin James Slant who has come face to face and battled this creature before.
Brain Hunter: New Breed
As a candid interview carries on between the country's leading virologist and a no-nonsense journalist, a couple separated between continents play catch up while a pandemic rages across the globe.
Frida, a young hen, wants to be a singer. However, her village is directed by strong rules: only chickens are allowed to sing, hens should be brood. In order to escape her fate, she decides to rebel and become a singer.