Meet Axel Falcon, a dedicated cop determined to cleanse the streets from murder and corruption. But tragedy strikes when his family is brutally taken from him. With nothing left to lose, Axel embarks on a relentless quest for vengeance, following the enigmatic...
Axel Falcon
Jake Wilcox grows cannabis for the notorious steam-punk gangster, Mr. P. When the entire crop is burnt, Jake goes on the run with his accomplices, Tony and Dominic. They are quickly captured, tortured, and driven to the middle of nowhere to dig their own grave...
Blood Demons
The film is described as a weird and wonderful merging of shades of folk horror, the supernatural with dadaist humour and a quaint British eccentricities that are long gone in the cinema of today.
The Pocket Film of Superstitions
After a young couple are brutally murdered in the woods by a Rogue Cyborg, a SWAT Team is employed in the area to search and destroy it, but little do they know they've become the prey.
Demon Predator
A sequel to the 2023 horror anthology film "Video Shop Tales of Terror".
Video Shop Tales of Terror II: Lust and Revenge
Five friends go to the woods on Halloween and get lost in a local legend.
The Petting Zoo
Anne, believing herself possessed, requests an exorcism, with her two children by her side. On the third night, Father Stone, begins to doubt the family's intentions. Is Anne truly possessed, or are her children deceiving him?
A Final Exorcism