In this sixth installment, director Kudo enlists the help of powerful psychic Dogen , physicist Masahiko Saito, and idol Akari, to make a big movie while investigating the abandoned "Tatari Village", where anyone who enters goes insane or dies.
Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! The Most Terrifying Movie in History
Based on the Japanese manga series "Ginga -Nagareboshi Gin-" by Takahashi Yoshihiro, this stage musicals follow the story of an Akita dog Gin, the son of the mighty hunting dog Riki. In order to take revenge on the ferocious killer bear Aka-Kabuto for his fami...
Silver Fang -The Shooting Star Gin part 1- The Ties of Friendship
Based on the popular Japanese manga series "Ginga -Nagareboshi Gin-" by Takahashi Yoshihiro, this stage musicals follow the story of an Akita dog Gin, the son of the mighty hunting dog Riki.
Silver Fang -The Shooting Star Gin part 2 - The Battle of the Stronghold