Sopa de Cabra - El retorn
Sopa de Cabra - Bona nit malparits!
Sopa de Cabra - El llarg viatge
She wanted to be rich, to have lovers, to go to Barcelona: but Montserrateta had to make do with living in a village in the Pyrenees, with her boyfriend, and milking cows on her parents' farm, until one day, she finds a lottery ticket.
Rateta, Rateta
Els Pets: bon dia, joves!
An intimate celebration, like a family table where the truths come out, in full preparation for the concert for the 50th anniversary of the Dharma Electric Company. More than a group, a musical tribe of friends and brothers who knew how to fuse traditional Cat...
Sempre Dharma
Carles Sabater. No espereu res de mi