A heartwarming family film filled with laughter for the Year of the Dragon. “Gặp Lại Chị Bầu” centers around Phuc, a young man passionate about acting who faces countless hardships. By chance, he ends up in Mrs. Le's boarding house and, together with his frien...
A Destined Encounter
The story of Ba Sang – the second of the 4 noisy siblings: Giau, Sang, Phu, Quy. Ba Sang is a meddler, “too” kind and always sacrifice for others despite they want it or not. Quan – Ba Sang’s son is a modern young Youtuber.
Dad, I'm Sorry
Adapted from the collection of short stories Đô Thị Linh Dị by author Nguyễn Ngọc Thạch. The film has a suspenseful dramatic color that exploits the hidden corners and struggles in the world of social networks, specifically the girls who make mukbang.
When a struggling single mother falls for a wealthy heartbreaker, their risky romance could just turn their lives around — or tear their worlds apart.
"Claws" takes the story from a lively picnic of a group of friends to a horrifying end as they fight for survival against a ferocious beast.