The story of the rise and fall of the first American-born drug lord in Mexico, this tale of power, money, greed and betrayal amongst rival members of the drug cartels finds American gangster Erik Vasquez scheming to become the top dog in the Mexican underworld...
American Sicario
A father and son run a rickety used car lot in Southern California. The old man and his boy are left overs from a bygone era of Americana.
Tidy Tim's
The lovely, slightly macabre, Seducia Darkly has some problems with her old deceased relatives. While she is trying to sort out their differences she will show you a collection of horror shorts. Shorts included are Legend of El Cucuy, Matches, Hollywood Post 4...
Treasures of Terror Vol 2
A heartbroken girl tries to get over her ex-boyfriend with the help of her friends by having her first hookup experience, only it's harder to find someone than she imagined.
My First Hook Up
Jane develops an eating disorder when struggling to find a balance between her daily stresses, friends, past relationships, school, and family. Hiding the secret from everyone, it's only a matter of time before things spiral out of control.
Let's Talk About Jane