The story follows teenage music nerd Landon (played by Roman Banks) as he collaborates with his best friend Paige (played by Sri Ramesh) on a TikTok song inspired by her favorite book series. Landon’s TikTok goes viral, thrusting him into the spotlight — and l...
For you, Paige
This year's iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Tour included performances from artists including Cher, Sabrina Carpenter, OneRepublic, Niall Horan, Doechii, Big Time Rush, Jelly Roll, AJR, Pentatonix, Melanie Martinez, Paul Russell and more.
iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2023
With help from a guardian angel, a spoiled rich, very material teenage girl learns that true value is found in assisting others and not in material things.
Beverly Hills Christmas
How did the disagreement get to this point? So together we will tell the story of Lil' Kim & Nicki Minaj's fight in a timeline detailing the always bubbling dispute between two of Rap's best Ladies.
Playtime Is Over
The stars of America's greatest comedies - like Cheers, Friends, Taxi and The Big Bang Theory - get together for one night only to honor Director James Burrows. Watch Must See TV: An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows.
Must See TV: An All Star Tribute to James Burrows
For decades, Dan Rather delivered the news with authenticity, integrity and courage. RATHER chronicles his rise to prominence, sudden and dramatic public downfall, and redemption and re-emergence as a voice of reason to a new generation.
Before Prop 8, Milk or Will & Grace, before the AIDS epidemic, gay pride parades or the Stonewall uprising, "The Boys in the Band" changed everything. "Making the Boys" explores the drama, struggle and enduring legacy of the first-ever gay play and subsequent...
Making the Boys
Jon Stewart returns to television to host a live show presented from The Theater at Madison Square Garden in New York. Benefiting NEXT for Autism, the special features stand-up performances, sketches and short films.
Night of Too Many Stars: America Unites for Autism Programs
A look back at some of the funniest female characters and sketches in SNL's 39-year history.
The Women of SNL
This ABC/PEOPLE television special highlights the impact of the soap opera. In today's shifting television landscape, "The Story of Soaps" traces how female creators migrated from radio to television to become the dominant force in daytime for more than three...
The Story of Soaps
In a one-time special event featuring all the beloved characters from the original series, Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy reunite the TGS team to help Kenneth Parcell with an advertiser presentation.
30 Rock: A One-Time Special
When ordered to serve a year in rehab, actress Candy hires her on-set stand-in to take her place. The unassuming woman flips the script and steals her identity, career and boyfriend in this hilarious comedy about trading places.
The Stand In
In this documentary, Wendy Williams, the self-anointed Queen of all Media, sheds her private persona and speaks directly to the camera, discussing every inch of joy and humiliation she has experienced since childhood.
Wendy Williams: What a Mess!
ARTPOP short film by Lady Gaga for G.U.Y.
G.U.Y. (An ARTPOP Film)