Indonesia drama movie titled "A Song To The Lord" is a film that tells the story about a girl named Angel (Eriska Rein) and a famous singer named Gilang (Steven William). Angel is deaf, honest and have a genuine kindness. The beginning of the story begins when...
Sebuah Lagu Untuk Tuhan
A nightclub singer is insulted with her playboy boyfriend's attitude. She intends to seek revenge by implanting charm in her breast.
Charm Jewel
Rafiq is a dangdut singer who comes to Jakarta to advance his career. Parto, his friend from the same village tries to represent him to different recording companies. But they differ because of Rafiq’s naivete and Parto’s city-style plus Parto’s insistence on...
Karena Dia
Somad and Biang Terona are sent by their master at Krakatau martial arts school to look for the rebellious student, Bodin, who is Somad’s real father. Bodin manages to marry the wife of a landlord and takes over the wealth but he becomes a dictator. His son, T...
Rina dan Pinky plans to avenge their friend, Windy, who was sexually assaulted by Herman.
Deadly Angels Strike Back
Darmi, an unfaithful married woman, uses a magical charm to preserve her youth. Once her husband finds out what she's been up to (which includes screwing the village playboy),he seeks the help of a Shaman.
Antidote for Witchcraft
The bizarre Arif family usually stay holed up in their old house... for good reason! The clan includes a daughter who's nearly catatonic during the day but a nympho at night, a son who's a violent bully, another son who's a sex maniac and a psychologically abu...
Night Virgin
Permana is a playboy while Nancy is a seductress. Both use black magic against each other. At first, Nancy uses black magic to seduce Permana, to play with him and to leech off his wealth. When he realizes this, Permana uses black magic in turn to try to destr...
Magic Implants
A down on his luck man, who eventually loses his job, his wife and his home, seeks help from a "tuyul;" a small ghost or an imp believed to be able to do anything ordered by its owner. Only there's a price to pay.
Little Devil
Like a sequel to Tuyul (childlike ghost similar to goblin or imp),the Head tuyul is angry as one of their members died (as seen in the previous film). Therefore, he sends the black imp and white imp for revenge. These imps come to Bokir’s house by mistake. Bo...
Tuyul Eee Ketemu Lagi
A group of youths go to a jungle in West Java to hunt. Their arrival angers the witchcraft-practicing occupant of an old house. When one of the hunters accidentally shoot the witch and causes a serious injury, the old crone transforms into a beautiful woman na...
Goddess of Night
A conscientious scientist develops the "deadliest explosive the world has ever known" but soon it falls into the hands of an evil criminal, Bruto. The five angels band together to stop Bruto's reign of terror.
Five Deadly Angels
Dono, Kasino, Indro, and Dorman want to open a detective agency. However, because of disagreements between them, their friendship was split into two groups, namely Kubu Kubu Casino-Dono and Indro-Dorman. Both sides are competing to be the best detectives. Comp...
Pintar Pintar Bodoh
The story of Wulan (Debby Cynthia Dewi),the captain of a passenger ship with two of his men who were also girls and became sailors to escape from his bitter past. The story begins when docked. Wulan was grabbed and assisted by Johan (George Rudy) then became...
Cewek-cewek Pelaut
A middle aged man tries to find a cure for his impotency while his young and sexy wife has an affair. It's a comedy.
Big Appetite, Low Energy
An anthropologist named Cathy travels to Bali with her lover to conduct research on black magic. There, they encounter the queen of the Leák cult, a shapeshifting witch who feasts on blood and soon makes Cathy carry out her evil deeds.
Mystics in Bali
Directed by the legendary Nya Abbas Akup, who normally makes comedies, it tells a story of Saijah, confused between two men, Mondera, who is handsome, refined and educated, or Hamid, an old company director that is rich but unrefined.
A Girl's Diary
After his wife passes away, the ailing Akbar marries Tina, a widow. Akbar’s illness makes him lose his job so Tina has to work in a garment factory. Akbar’s effort to find a job is fruitless and he passes away shortly after. His three children Mimi, Memet, and...
Motherless Children