This French thriller begins with a flashback to a small village dance where a six-year-old girl is kidnapped and killed. Seventeen years later the murder remains unsolved. The girl's parents Caroline and Chris have gone on with separate lives Caroline remarrie...
Black for Remembrance
The old farm worker Pipe is old enough to retire. Even so he cannot imagine a life without work. So he keeps on doing his job and wonders what to do with his additional financial means.
Les Petites Fugues
The vicissitudes of showbiz take the hero Renart (Gerald Battiaz) and his wife Hermeline (Francoise Dupertuis) from up to down and back again in this brief drama. Renart entertains at a nightclub by pulling objects out of a suitcase on stage and creating a wid...
Signé Renart
The life of the actress and model Capucine inspired this film by Michel Soutter, played by Capucine herself in the company of Heinz Béat, Antoinette Moya, Corinne Corderey and Jean-Pierre Malo.
Rouge Capucine