An intergalactic fighting competition between champions of various worlds has traditionally been won by a species much larger and stronger than humans. Entering the contest, a human finds he has to battle against not just his opponents and his self-doubts, but...
In the tradition of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and the Three Stooges comes this wildly funny action comedy from director Steve Wang. When chased by mutated monsters, crafty ninjas and a 300 foot tall stone god, the bumbling heroes battle against the powers of dark...
Kung Fu Rascals
Insect-like aliens invade a small town. The local teenagers have been watching a sci-fi marathon in the local theater, and from those films they get ideas on how to fight the creatures.
Invasion Earth: The Aliens Are Here
A documentary that explores the power of cult film told through the lens of the Monster Squad and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew and the industry.
Wolfman's Got Nards
This is a feature-length look into the creation of the 20 year old cult-classic, Monster Squad, including interviews with writer/director Fred Dekker, stars Tom Noonan, Duncan Regehr, Andre Gower and more.
Monster Squad Forever!
Director and Writer Eric Dow ("Honor in the Valley of Tears") brings us his second documentary as he goes behind the scenes of the fan fiction short film, "Batman: Dead End." In the winter of 2003 commercial director Sandy Collora and some of his friends set o...
Behind the Mask: The Batman Dead End Story