When Hollywood star Helena Harris (Diane Neal) films her newest movie, “This Magic Moment,” in the small town of Stone’s Throw, she strikes up an unlikely friendship with local video store owner Clark Gable (Travis Schuldt). Helena, who recently broke up with...
This Magic Moment
A young deaf woman undergoes an experimental medical procedure that is supposed to "cure" her of her deafness and give her the ability to hear.
This Is Normal
Pup Star is back for an all-new adventure! After winning the canine competition show Pup Star and becoming an international pup sensation, Tiny, the adorable Yorkie, has her world turned upside down when an evil rival switches her out in competition with a str...
Pup Star: Better 2Gether
A young mother, desperate to understand why she struggles to emotionally connect with her baby and husband, returns to her roots where reliving past traumas her memory has blocked allows her to become the artist, mother and lover she's always wanted to be. BUT...
New Me
A brilliant computer scientist whose work on a world-changing piece of software exposes a secret plot within her company. As she grows increasingly close to a co-worker who may be part of the conspiracy, she’s forced to rethink the nature of her relationships,...
Giant Void
Crichton-esque techno-thriller about hackers and sysadmin fighting to escape a data center overrun by a deadly artificial intelligence.
One guy wants to step out of the friendzone and be MADE into the ultimate ladies man.
Ladies' Man: A Made Movie
Filmed in one continuous 119-minute shot, THE WEDDING PARTY tells the story of a groomsman who must navigate a slew of disasters and maintain order at his best friend's wedding reception.
The Wedding Party
This is the lurid, true story about femme fatale Dolly, her murdered husband, and her lover, Otto -- the man in the attic. In the 1930s, Dolly met and seduced her repairman Otto... but she was already married to successful business man Fred.
The Lover in the Attic: A True Story
Shattered is a story based on true events about family betrayal, love lost, and a dark destructive secret that swirls around a high powered political family in the Deep South. Kate Stenson dreams of an enviable life as the quintessential Southern Belle. She ma...
A group of college students is kidnapped by a deranged family while shooting a youtube video in the woods.