An entertaining historical drama featuring popular comedians from the Kansai region of the time, such as Makoto Fujita, Minoru Shiraki, and Gannosuke Ashiya. Raizo Ichikawa as the famous yakuza boss Jirocho.
The Confusing Journey of Jirocho
Kayama Ichinoshin (Raizo Ichikawa) has been traveling for ten years in search of revenge for his father. One day, Ichinoshin reunites with his younger brother Shinjiro (Yukio Hashi),who has completely changed. Shinjiro abandoned the quiet samurai life and beg...
Flowers of Chivalry
Hot Spring Policeman
A comedy directed by Koji Shima about a men's game. Reckless and exciting, definitely worth watching! Miyoshi Oki was born in Hokkaido and grew up in a dirty carriage that his father owned. His dream was to have a horse with a good coat that costs 10 million...
Muchana Yakko
A bright and cheerful story about a young girl who comes to Tokyo from the countryside, relying on her aunt to become a maid, and willingly aspires to become a maid and lives a healthy life despite the hardships she encounters with people from all walks of lif...
Young Trees