Documentary featuring an intimate profile of American rock legend Meat Loaf, spanning from his childhood of domestic violence, through a decade of rejection by record companies to global fame, bust-ups and a major comeback.
Meat Loaf: In and Out of Hell
This BBC documentary chronicles the life of folk/soft-rock singer John Denver through his rise with The Chad Mitchell Trio and Peter, Paul and Mary, his subsequent stardom, his popularity decline, and his tragic death at age 53.
John Denver: Country Boy
This film examines recently discovered letters written by socialite Wallis Simpson that reveal her secret love, and chart her fear as she found herself becoming trapped into marrying King Edward VIII.
Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters
Filmed over five years, we follow Lily Jones, 20, as she transitions from male to female, leaves her seaside home for the city, undergoes gender reassignment surgery and finds love.
Lily: A Transgender Story
The extraordinary story of Edward VIII's first love affair, involving a murder trial, a secret cache of vanished letters, and a cover-up to save the reputation of the future King.
Edward VIII's Murderous Mistress