Deep in the jungle, a group of Mexican gum workers crosses their path with Agnes, a mysterious Belizean woman. Her presence enlivens the fantasies and desires of those men, without knowing that they have woken up an ancient Mayan legend.
Tragic Jungle
Three Spanish conquistadors, Captain Diego de Ordaz, Gonzalo and Pedro, march to the summit of the great volcano Popocatepetl.
A wise old man embarks on his final journey, entering the Colombian jungle to find a place to die. But the paramilitary soldiers who control the area endanger his peaceful transition to the realm of the dead.
I Saw Three Black Lights
The deterioration of a small community in Fogo Island is forcing its inhabitants to leave and resettle. Places once occupied by humans are now becoming part of the tundra landscape. In spite of a condemn future, there are some residents who decide to remain, h...
Gustavo travels to the desert of Wirikuta in search of native species for his research. During his journey into the desert a series of strange events haunt him until one night he is assaulted, losing all of his belongings. The will to survive forces him to sta...