During the last desperate months of World War II, an Allied mission to regain Ramree Island off the coast of Burma ends in horror when an embattled group of soldiers find themselves trapped in dense swampland infested with deadly saltwater crocodiles. As the m...
Saltwater: The Battle for Ramree Island
The true story of how a young girl begins to suspect that her neighbour on a quiet suburban street is fugitive family killer John List.
A Killer Next Door
The family locks of Ireland are kept in itself by the certificates of deadly feud, mean murders. In our days, still located on a tableland, locks are a living reminder about the victims of past years.
Castle Ghosts of Ireland
Everyone enjoys the warmth and sound of a crackling log fire. Now you can enjoy the perfect log fire instantly, on any television in your home with an easy to use menu options, to provide all year round entertainment and pleasure.
Winter Log Fire