“Everything you ever cared (or didn’t care) about Christmas is thrown into a blender and flailed at the wall in this angry five minute display of holiday doom and gloom. SOUPED UP SANTA stars Dante Fiallo in his usual state, this time as a backwards pavement p...
Souped Up Santa
Ten year old Ethan runs 86th street. Featuring Mr Dino, Mr Goon, and 9 year olds, Wilten and Oliver.
Turtle Sandwich
Documentarian Jean Rambeau introduces us to a group of real-life Cannibals who live in a steamy Brooklyn basement and don't know how to act around people.
Blood Panther: The Way of the Cannibal
One man’s journey to find the perfect Christmas gift
The Christmas Kid
Mitch Blondell gets some advice on the Lower East Side
Don't Talk to Strangers
An afternoon and evening spent with Raymond Fernez, who walks at the speed of a Stegosaurus and feels the heartbeat of a divine emotion otherwise known as The Blues...
Slow Afternoon