This film focuses on Koreans living in Japan. The filmmaker’s humanism comes across in the portrayal of a girl living in a shabby tenement, the warmth of a Korean girl she meets, and the friendliness of this Korean girl’s family.
The Brick Factory Girl
Okoma, a witty young woman working as a conductor in an old, rickety bus in Kōfu, Yamanashi (rural Japan),has a creative idea that could avert the dwindling number of passengers when her job and the bus company itself are at stake.
Hideko the Bus Conductress
Hideko, a young Baseball fan, determined to cheer for her favourite baseball team by creating a new song for them.
Hideko the Cheerleader
A jidaigeki film on Banzuiin Chōbei produced in 1940 and directed by Yasuki Chiba.
Banzuiin Chōbei