With only nightmares for childhood memories, Lily Stone returns to her family home to find out what happened to her parents. Despite the locals' warnings about an evil presence cursing the house, Lily crosses the threshold and discovers not all the ghosts that...
Struggling stand-up Sam Slade and reclusive writer Becky Holt are thrown together when Becky experiences strange phenomena in her own home, and Sam, desperately broke, poses as a private eye - but will Sam's first case be the death of her?
After failing to appease their narcissistic father, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia are set on a path to mutually assured destruction. No-one hurts you like the ones you love.
Three Sisters
A housewife (Perri Cummings) who becomes infected with the vitriolic words of a bigoted talk radio host, in this commentary on the culture of fear and distrust spread by the media post-9/11. Created for Drafthouse Films’ THE ABCS OF DEATH ‘26th Director’ compe...
Lucy's been asleep for over 100 years, ever since that Drac guy put the bite on her. Waking up after the world's longest hangover, she's feeling, well - more than a bit peckish. Inspired by chapter XIII, pg 188 of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'.
Persephone Chase is a contract assassin with a difference. In a fond homage to 1970s drive-in action thrillers -- but set in modern-day Melbourne -- powerful criminals plot the downfall of a right-wing, devoutly religious political candidate... and each other.
A documentary crew detail the struggle of Unbelievable Productions' visionary leader, Madeleine LaRoy, to stage a revolutionary reboot of Shakespeare's MACBETH (in space),with the help of her faithful best friend/choreographer/costume & set designer/tea lady/...
Why Must The Show Go On?
Iraqi immigrant Samir (Majid Shokor) chooses an AFL team to support, as his fellow cabbie Michael (Phil Zachariah) attempts to sway him to the Magpie army. Young Philip (Jim Brogan) is being bullied by Shaun (Santo Tripodi),despite a common bond of which they...
When a woman invites her date up to her apartment, she surprises him by performing an impromptu striptease. But is this a seduction... or an evaluation? And will he fail horribly?
After another long night of telephone tarot readings, Miriam receives a call from beyond the grave, sweeping her up into the mother of all decades-dead domestic disputes.