Three young and desperate inhabitants of Madrid attempt to rise above their circumstances by any means available to them in that sun-drenched city. This tight-knit trio must scramble when their hasty plans become derailed by a demanding matriarch, an abusive o...
The reunion of three friends, among tango, dance, music and the opportunity of a trip that will take them as in their good old days to travel the route of the country.
Let the Dance Begin
In the Almenares family there is a story involving a mysterious woman and a pearl necklace that obsesses the young heir. He meets Vera, a Polish woman, and invites her and some relations to a hunting weekend, where the necklace disappears.
Misterio en la marisma
Mikel is a Basque who hates "what is Basque" and decides to emigrate to Argentina, with the misfortune that he arrives in a community of Basque descendants from the interior of the country who live the traditions of their ancestors with great passion and who o...
Dear Grandma
A story set in Uruguay in 1993. It revolves around an investigation by a law court lawyer, Julia. She's looking into the possibility that a chemist named Eugenio Barrios is being secretly sheltered in Uruguay by right-wing political powers.
Kill Them All
The story of the first colony of immigrants to arrive in the province of Santa Fe, in Argentina.