In the Meiji Period, in the 19th century Japan, transitioning towards modernization, BLACK OX explores the relationship between man and ox, inspired by the “Ten Ox-Herding Pictures” a series of short poems and illustrations from Zen Buddhism tradition that dep...
Black Ox
In an intimate and exciting journey to the root, the film follows a family based in Okinawa, Japan, that visits Taiwan to rediscover their family origins.
After Spring, the Tamaki Family...
Haunted by the tragic death of his father, Juan Martín Hsu, a young Argentinian filmmaker of Taiwanese origin, returns to Taipei to film the reunion with his mother. Reality and fiction blend in a moving personal quest in which an incredible portrait of a Moth...
The Moon Represents My Heart
The film follows the last 4 years life of Grandma Hashima, the last existent from colonial Taiwan, who knows the secrets of "Green Jail," the notorious coal mine before World War II on Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan.
Green Jail