It is the year 2546. Corporations rule the world, and an agent is on a secret mission to explore the untold stories of the past. His journey leads him into a secret virtual reality where one corporation has recreated the 1980s, an era that witnessed the birth...
Moleman 4: Longplay
The story of the birth of the Hungarian home computer scene back in the '80s behind the Iron Curtain. Smuggled in C64s, cracked games, swappers, diskmags, hacked phone lines to American BBS servers, demoscene, copy parties.
Stamps Back
Moleman 3 is a documentary diary about a journey from the underground to the cultural surface. Music styles and artists ignored by record labels and the mainstream media didn't have much chance of getting wide recognition back in the day. The digital revoluti...
Moleman 3: Journey to the Surface